High-performance shotblasting machines

Siapro is a leading European manufacturer of shot blasting and peening equipment, specializing in design, production, and commissioning. Our machines provide efficient and cost-effective surface preparation, removing rust, scale, foundry sand, and paint.
Our high-performance shot blasting machines provide an efficient and cost-effective method for removing rust, scale, foundry sand, paint, and for preparing surfaces prior to coating.

Advanced Shotblasting Technology

Our E-ECO shot blasting technology (E.ECO Complete process monitoring technology), ensures high productivity and energy efficiency. Turbine shot blasting is 10x more effective than compressed air, making it ideal for industrial applications. The highly efficient E.ECO shot-blasting turbines developed at Siapro are a reflection of our many years of work and development in the field of wheel blasting technology.

E-ECO Smart Blast Wheels

Manufactured in Slovenia under strict quality control, our E-ECO smart blast wheels deliver high efficiency, cost savings, and easy integration with other manufacturers' equipment.

Standard Machines

We offer custom-engineered and standard shot blasting machines (Basic, Junior, and Superior models) that ensure high efficiency at an optimized price.

Shot Blasting Machines for Classic or ATEX Environment

Siapro offers shot blasting machines in two versions: the Classic model for standard industrial use and the ATEX model, designed for explosive environments, ensuring safety and compliance with strict regulations.

KIT-set Shot Blasting Machines for Self-Installation

Siapro's redesigned KIT-set shot blasting machine allows easy self-installation without on-site support. Suitable for classic and ATEX environments, it comes with clear instructions and a simple three-step setup. With built-in remote support, customers can install it efficiently,


doc004_Questionnaire for Offer_Siapro_Shot_blast_Machines_ang_slo (.doc 174KB)


pdfShotblasting Machines General Broshure_A3 (.pdf 2.5MB)

pdfOverhead Conveyor Siapro Shotblasting Machines_H (.pdf 3.6MB)
pdfRoller Conveyor Shotblasting Machines_R (.pdf 751KB)
pdfA4_Siapro_T_Tumbler_shotblasting_machines_ang_2024_distribution (.pdf 4.4MB)
pdfTable_shotblasting_machines_green line_ang_2023_distribution (.pdf 2.5MB) (.pdf 2.5MB)
pdfWire_mesh_belt_shot_blasting_machine_RWB_green line ang_2023_distribution (.pdf 2.6MB)

pdfRobot Shotblasting Machines_RBB (.pdf 587KB)
pdfShotblasting Machines fot tubes_RB (.pdf 587KB)
pdfBrochure KOM_Blasting_chamber_ang_2024_distribution (.pdf 2.1MB)

pdfBrochure E-ECO Blasting Technology, E-ECO Blasting Wheels (.pdf 1.3MB)
pdfBroshure AAD Valve for abrasive dosing_eng_srb (.pdf 848KB)

pdfBrochure TRA 80 Basic Junior Superior KIT Solution Machine (.pdf 1.4MB)
pdfBrochure HA 1000x1400 Basic, Heavy Duty, Foundry Machine (.pdf 1.3MB)
pdfBrochure DA 1250x500 Basic, Heavy Duty, Foundry Machine (.pdf 1.1MB)
pdfA4_Shotblasting_machines_Slovenia_SIAPRO_is_supplier_NO1_in_home_country_2023 (.pdf 94KB)

Table shotblasting machines
Drum blasting machines
Hook Machines
Continuous overhead conveyor blast machines
Overhead blast machines with monorail
Roller conveyour machines
Wire shotblasting machines
Custom made machines
Anti-corrosion and  painting lines
Wire mesh belt Machines
Wire mesh belt Machines
Shot blasting Machine with rubber belt
SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, Europe

T: +386 5 3841 632
E: info@siapro.si
    More contacts>>

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