Terms of use


A)    What kind of personal information we collect and why

Visiting the website

What: Whenever you visit the website www.siapro.eu or www.hydro-electricity.eu, web server log files are automatically stored on the web server (for example, an IP number - a number that identifies each computer or other device on the web).

Why: The World Wide Web is working so that certain web site visitor information such as IP number, browser version, visit time, etc. can be recorded on the web server where the site is hosted. We do not process these data separately and do not link them with other data.

Contact via www.siapro.eu or www.hydro-electricity.eu

What: On the web site, via the I Want More Information button, you can send comments and questions directly to the company's e-mail address. Upon receipt of your contact, we collect the name, surname and e-mail address of the sender, who sent a request or other question to our subcategories.

Why: We need the email address, name and surname to be able to respond. Further information is used for the purpose of further contacting according to your question and for the purpose of sending company newsletters to your e-mail address.

How much time: Information is stored depending on the content and duration of contact with you, or until you are unsubscribed from the electronic notification. You can do this via the link in every email you receive or by writing to us via the web site.

Login to Download PDF catalogs of products Siapro d.o.o.

What: When registering for Download PDF catalogs, we need your first and last name, email address (e-mail address) and country, which you enter on the web form.

Why: We process this information exclusively for sales management of B2B or, if necessary, your disclosed interest in contacting us in case of additional questions regarding our offer.

How much time: Data is stored until you request us a change.

How: When filling in the application form you must indicate knowing these general term of use.

B) In which case we will contact you

a) if you subscribe to receiving company newsletters
b) if you send us an opinion, comments, questions or inquiries
c) if you make a purchase of our products or services.

Whenever you can request:
a. Unsubscribe. At logout, we will delete your email address and we will not send you any further newsletters.
b. Correct your e-mail address by sending a written request to info@siapro.si.
c. A permanent deletion of your e-mail, which is kept in the e-newsletter, by sending a written request to info@siapro.si.
d. Exporting and inspecting your e-mail, which we store in the e-newsletter recipient, by sending a written request to info@siapro.si.

C)  Protection of personal data

Company SIAPRO d.o.o. it undertakes not to sell, lend or otherwise transfer information that you provide through the website www.siapro.eu or www.hydro-electricity.eu or by any other means under any circumstances.

All data will be treated confidentially and will be used only for internal records and for the purpose for which they were transmitted. Your information will be carefully protected against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

When visiting a site, some data (IP address, date, time, page address from which you are coming) are saved to the server. These data are anonymous and are used only for statistical processing.

Websites use "cookies". These are small files that are saved to your disk when you visit a page. Cookies can help you make further page visits. With the settings in your browser, you can decide whether or not to accept "cookies".

If you do not accept "cookies", some web pages may not be displayed correctly, or you will not be able to access all of the information or functionality of the web pages.

Your e-mail address that you provide when transferring the catalog, completing the contact form, completing the questionnaire for the offer or in other cases when you enter your email on the website www.siapro.eu or hydro-electricity.eu will only serve us to inform you about the news related to Siapro d.o.o.
In addition, you agree that the provider may record information about sent email notifications as to which user has read a specific email and which web links he has opened (clicked) in the message. The user agrees that the provider may use the information obtained so as to adjust the bid and / or contents of the future e-mail notifications sent to the particular user.

D)    Exclusion of liability

Websites www.siapro.eu are created and maintained with the utmost care. Nevertheless, the company SIAPRO d.o.o. can’t guarantee the topic accuracy or correctness of the information on the site. All information on the website is subject to change without notice.

We can not accept responsibility for any damage that may directly or indirectly result from improper operation and / or inaccessibility of this website .

In the case of reference or connection of these sites with others that are owned or operated by third parties , the company SIAPRO Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the content or the improper operation of these websites .

E)    Copyright

© Copyright 2012 SIAPRO d.o.o.
All text, images, graphics, animations and other documents contained in the website www.siapro.eu are legally permitted, subject to copyright or other intellectual property protection.

The contents of this website may be copied, distribute, modify or in any other manner reproduced except with the written consent of SIAPRO Ltd. , which actively enforces its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent permitted by law .
SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, Europe

T: +386 5 3841 632
E: info@siapro.si
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