Wire mesh belt shot blasting machines

Application and Suitability

Siapro manufactures continuous shot blasting machines with a wire conveyor, specifically designed for the continuous blasting of thin and shock-sensitive castings.

These machines ensure uniform and controlled surface treatment, minimizing the risk of deformation or damage to delicate components.

Optimized Cleaning Efficiency

A large number of turbines integrated into the system enhances the efficiency of the cleaning process by providing optimal shot distribution. This results in uniform coverage and improved surface quality, making the machines highly effective for industrial applications requiring precise surface treatme

Versatility in Shotdblasting

Siapro shot blasting machines are engineered for sandblasting geometrically complex components, including:
  • Welded pieces
  • Castings
  • Similar metal components requiring high-precision cleaning
These machines are suitable for a wide range of manufacturing and metal processing industries, ensuring efficient cleaning and preparation of components for further processing, coating, or finishing.


pdfA4 PDF Siapro shotblasting machines W Wire mesh belt machine_ang_2023_green_line_distribution (.pdf 2.6MB)

pdfA4_Wire_mesh_belt_shot_blasting_machine_RWB_ang_rus_2016_distribution (.pdf 2.6MB)

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