Castings cleaning

Shot blasting is a surface cleaning process that uses abrasive materials to remove contaminants.

Turbine blasting is the most cost-effective method for removing rust, scale, foundry sand, paint, and preparing surfaces for coating. It is 10 times more efficient than compressed air blasting. SIAPRO offers standardized blasting machines and custom-designed plants to meet the needs of demanding mechanical solutions.

Shot blasting machines -  standard offer

  • Tumble blast machines of type T - For shotblasting a variety of work pieces with roughly the same dimension.
  • Machines with hanging hook H - For shotblasting different pieces that can be hung.
  • Turn table machines D - For shotblasting work pieces of different shapes and weights.

Shot blasting machines - unique implementation, custom made


The unique construction - shotblasting machines are designed to treat pieces of complex shapes or weights.

Send inquiry
SIAPRO d.o.o.
Postaja 9
Slovenia, Europe

T: +386 5 3841 632
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