Company data


Company: SIAPRO, innovative engineering on foundry technology, surface treatment of metals and energetics, d.o.o.
Short company name: Siapro d.o.o.
Address hedaquarters: Postaja 9
ZIP Code and City: 5216 Most na Soči
Country: SI-Slovenia (Europe)

Production: Strojrem d.o.o., Prikraj Križevački 104, 48260 Križevci, Croatia

+386 5 3841 632

Main activity:
Engineering activity, Manufacturing

Company ID:
VAT ID: SI 83612629
Number of registration share:  1/03293/00, Okrožno sodišče Nova Gorica
Managing Director: Damjan Burnik, Aleš Jurman

Bank account:

1. Nova KBM: 04752-0000323157  (SWIFT: KBMASI2X)

2. SKB: 03119-1000110491  (SWIFT: SKBASI2X)
3. Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.: IBAN SI56 1010 0005 8349 181 
4. Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d. Ljubljana: SI56022440257306511 (SWIFT: LJBASI2X)

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